Selection sort vs bubble sort
Selection sort vs bubble sort

checking of all the elements is compulsory.It is because, in selection sort, an extra variable is required for swapping. Space Complexity: The Space complexity of selection sort is O(1).The worst-case time complexity of selection sort is O(n^2). That means suppose you have to sort the array elements in ascending order, but its elements are in descending order. Worst Case Complexity: It occurs when the array elements are required to be sorted in reverse order.The average case time complexity of selection sort is O(n^2). Average Case Complexity: It occurs when the array elements are in jumbled order that is not properly ascending and not properly descending.The best-case time complexity of selection sort is O(n^2). Best Case Complexity: It occurs when there is no sorting required, i.e.In terms of the efficiency, this is the same as selection sort and insertion sort.11 12 22 25 64 Time Complexity and Space Complexity Time Complexity The total time is about t(n) = n * (n/2) = O(n^2). The outer loop runs roughly n times, and the inner loop on average runs n/2 times. The following tracks the code on an array with elements for three rounds of bubbling. find the smallest element starting from position i Public static void selectionSort(int arr) The swap() method exchanges two elements in an array. The following implementation uses a nested loop to repetitively pick up the smallest element and swap it to its final position. After the smallest element is put in the first position, it is fixed and then we can deal with the rest of the array. Repeat until all elements are in the right positions.Ī loop through the array finds the smallest element easily.Find the next smallest element, and put it to the second position.Find the smallest element, and put it to the first position.Selection sort is to repetitively pick up the smallest element and put it into the right position: Here we wish to sort an array of integers in Java this can be easily extended to other data types and collections. Bubble sort: repeatedly compare neighbor pairs and swap if necessary.Insertion sort: repeatedly add new element to the sorted result.Selection sort: repeatedly pick the smallest element to append to the result.Selection, insertion and bubble sort are easily understandable and also similar to each other, but they are less efficient than merge sort or quick sort. Sorting enables efficient searching algorithms such as binary search. Sorting - arranging items in order - is the most fundamental task in computation.

Selection sort vs bubble sort